金曜日, 4月 29, 2005

a soccer game at the rooftop of a shopping centre

went out for a soccer game with the local church members..:) was invited by Tanaka san so decided to go since i have nothing better to do..:D staying at home gaming everyday isnt exactly all that erhmm.. happening... hee..:) well.. we went to Kawaguchi, somewhere in Saitama, and went to the court soccer court at the top of a shopping centre.. that place was pretty cool, they have an indoor tennis court too.. man.. really missed tennis..:( oh well.. guess i have to wait till i am back in sg to play.. argh.... still.. has been a long time since i last played soccer..:) was pretty fun...however, i was pretty out of shape... was tired out...o.O even as i am writing this, i am suffering a slight headache from the hot afternoon sun..-_- after experience winter.. this 30 degrees (or so claimed by my Otousan) was scorching.. i am so gonna die back in singapore.. lol oh well... the game was fun... and miraculously.. i scored 1 goal! woohoo!!;p i have always played a defender but since this was a 4 v 4 game, we have to cover the whole court... whee... after that, it was lunch with macdonalds... lol... after all the workout, we ate it all back.. or rather.. I ate it all back... lol still, it was fun sitting at the steps, (not enuf room in the macs for the whole group of us) listening to them talk, looking at the kids play... hmm... talking bout kids, there was this one little toddler boy running around NEKKID! lol.. fun...

well... that's for today.. and yesterday.. i went for a choir practice!! woohoo!! and coincidentally, Boon was in that same choir last year too!! lol... so super chiao! hee..:D was fun singing ar... was really out of practice..:( wanna sing wanna sing.. hmm.. the people in these choir are hmm.. mostly amateurs too, and all not every well trained...o.O not that i am good of course, just that SYC people were better... well... i only met the university choir members, there are apparently the adult members too.. hopefully they are better... ;p heee... still... was fun singing.. hee.. practice was ehmm.. long?;p almost 4 hours... and apparently they sing 3 times a week..-_____- hmm.... i will see if i can go for all.... hee... we started practice with a i-can-remember-the-name scale.. basically, do-re-me-so-la.. was interesting... we were basically using the kodaly method to practice so was quite fun..:D i like kodaly method.. have to train myself more.:( lalala.. ohohoh!! and we did a japanese version of ziguerlebern (i think i spell wrongly but those who know will know this song..) super natsukashii!!!


At 11:39 午前, Blogger Carol said...

Yo, glad you had a great time :o>

Well, just rem to keep ur gaming in check, yah? Wouldnt want a repeat of the dizzy spells :o>

At 11:24 午後, Anonymous 匿名 said...

wow! first time i'm hearing you work out! Sounds like fun! U should do it more often. :P Will be looking forward to tennis sessions in sg with u..



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