日曜日, 11月 21, 2004

after another episode of 'Fuufu' (The Couple)

sigh.... i still say the same thing.. i love this show.... haa.... human relations are really soooo incredible... it can be like so powerful yet at the same time so fragile.... the trust and love between people is perhaps the most important elements... between friends, couples, everyone... for something which take years and years to cultivate... it could all be gone in a matter of seconds, a matter of words... yet... does it have to be so? of course it hurts when people say something or do something to damage that relationship... but... do u think it is worth to like throw it away just in those matter of seconds? do u think those people really did those things and said those stuff to hurt u purposely? well... we are all humans... we make mistakes... the more important thing is perhaps how we deal with those mistakes... do we allow it to be a bigger mistake... or start afresh? oh well.... this is of course not to say tat we have no rite to be angry and stuff lar.... but... be angry and like blow up or something.. but after tat... reflect and think... try to be rational bout it ar.... hee...^^


At 9:29 午前, Anonymous 匿名 said...

eh u big matt rite? meL here arh... din noe u went overseas.. hah!



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