土曜日, 1月 01, 2005


well... 2005 is officially here in Japan... 2004 has been a year of disasters... the numerous earthquakes the wreck the world, the furious typhoons that ravaged the lands, the tsunamis that claimed ten of thousands.. and we shouldnt forget the war which has claim many innocent lives, the genocides in Dunfar... even though we are still trying to cope with the aftermath of such disasters.... it's also time to move forward.. it's no use to hold on so tightly to the past, since we can never change it.. but... what we can do is learn from our past and work towards the future... and it is with this hope that we move forward... things will be better if we let it be better... so are you people ready for a great year ahead? i know i am!


At 11:36 午後, Anonymous 匿名 said...

yo yo...
hmmn...been busy enjoying ya hols recently ? hee..was trying to send you a mobile email that day. not too sure if you got it though..anyway, take care...juz dropping by...=p



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